Wednesday, August 19, 2009


40 percent of people calling themselves born again christians say that they do not feel as though they have a responsibility to tell others about Christ. That would leave us with 60 percent left. Of those 60 percent how many are gripped with fear? It doesn't make us bad, just afraid.
In Acts chapter 4 we read a story of believers asking God for one thing. Courage. Courage to speak His word with boldness.
What do our prayers sound like? Have we prayed for courage? Have we prayed for boldness?
Boldness is not volume... boldness is saying and doing the right thing in the face of consequences.
Even if it means you lose your status, your girl, your guy, even if you are seen as a hypocrite, a wierdo...whatever it might be.
O Soveriegn Lord will you enable us to speak your word with great boldness.
Your homework this week....tell one person your story. Then lets hear it. Tell us about it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Reflection on Houston Trip '09

In the book of Matthew, a couple men thought they had what it took to follow Christ. Jesus responded to them saying, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” In other words, Jesus was telling these guys he had no home. God in flesh lived a good deal of his life as a homeless man. These men had to be willing to be homeless as well. A cost they were unwilling to pay.
During the week of June 19th to the 26th, about forty people from the student ministry came face to face while in Houston, Texas with a small portion of the world’s population that lives life without a roof over their head, food in the fridge, or people they can call family. It’s these people that Jesus seemed to hold a special regard for in his heart and he desires those who claim his name to be the same way.
In having brave conversations with these individuals as well as others of all walks of life during the week, we discovered they weren’t the scary people we’ve been raise to see them as. They are people with real lives, dreams, and stories. Some have made poor choices in life, but others
are victims of circumstance. Either way their need for the love of a Savior is just the same as ours, and God’s desire to pour out His love and comfort is just as abundant if not greater.
We return to Kansas City shaken by the reality check He’s given us and eager to grow the heart God has given us towards people in need of Him here. We pray the Spirit keeps our hearts and eyes open to the needful around us ready to serve them with our hands and speak the truth in love with our mouths. It was an awesome trip, but the success of the trip will be shown in the months ahead. Be prepared because Spirit who spoke the universe into existence is eager to do great things.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"And I Think I Can Fly..."

Is life beautiful?
thats my question to you.
Is it? really and truly? when it comes down to it?
Sometimes life is just really, really hard. I think we all know what its like to have our world's fall apart and be in complete and utter confusion about it all. with everything, dealing with all this stuff. can life really be beautiful at all?
let's try another avenue.
what makes you feel alive? what is it that make you take deeper breaths? is it your friendships? families? could it be rockclimbing? skateboarding? playing the guitar? singing?driving? performing? soccer? dance? writing? what about being compassionate? or leadership? what is that thing that makes you see more, and listen to whats isnt normally heard?
Hows it all connect to God anyway?
Is life beautiful?
Last night, our friend Andre talked about his story. We heard how God made a total turn around in His life. We also heard about Andre learning to trust God with everything, and follow with obedience. And with that, came deliverance. And a chance for Andre to use his talents for something bigger than himself.
What if we all did live a life that was bigger than ourselves?
what if we held on to what it means to be Alive? (remember? a heart that beats for others?)
What if life is really beautiful after all?

"We often ask God to show up. We pray prayers of rescue. Perhaps God would ask us to be that rescue, to be His body, to move for things that matter." --To Write Love on Her Arms

share your thoughts. be honest. what do you think?

Monday, June 15, 2009


Being alive is not just having a heartbeat, being alive is your heartbeating for others. We are in constant search for others. Most of the time this is a selfish thing as we are looking for others approval in all that we do. Parents approval, coaches, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends..the list goes on. Our hearts are beating and they are beating for approval.
But what if we began to allow our hearts to beat for others? The way Christ did. Paul said that if anyone had reason to put confidence in themselves he did. He was the rockstar, but in comparison to Him (Christ) and to know Him, losing it all was welcomed.
Are you tired of constantly trying to look for approval? Its a tiring race trying to stay amazing in eveyones eyes.
What if you could love people? Proverbs tells us that to be kind, it is the way of honor. Want respect? Kindness.
What would your life look like if you didn't have to have approval?
How would your life change if your heart began to beat for others?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer 09 - ALIVE

What does it mean to be ALIVE?
How did we end up on this planet?
What is the meaning to my life?
For each of us, we didn't ask for this life! We didn't sign up for this gig, but we are here! The decisions that we make are important! In fact, the choice you make matter for eternity.
So...what will you live for?
What will define your life?
Will you choose to live fully alive?
A story in the book of Acts gives us a portrait of living life fully alive. Two men risk their lives to share the message of hope they have found through Jesus Christ. How have you been challenged to stand up and talk about the name of Jesus? Would you take the challenge to ask God to open the door for you to share the name of Jesus with someone this week? If so, write us and tell us your story...and what it means to be alive!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Loud Mouth Week 4

So we are on our last week of Loud Mouth. In this series we have been looking at our words and how they effect others and ourselves.

This week we talked about how on our own it is impossible to control our words, but yet it is so important because our words declare our destiny. James tells us that just like the rutter of a ship is small but it controls the whole ship, so the same is with our tongues.

So what do we do? It is impossible on our own. Jesus was talking and he said with people it is impossible but with God all things are possible.

Surrender is the key word here. We have all surrendered to something, lifestyle, money, relationships, status, the list goes on and on. What are you surrendering to? What have you not surrendered to Christ? Have you surrendered at all?

We wanna hear from you. What is going on in your life? What have you thought of this series? What has God taught you through this? What are you gonna do about it?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Be Careful, Loud Mouth,

We saw another incredibly dumb video tonight. But what we talked about is that we have to be careful when words seem to pretty, because they might be. We have to watch out that we don't give in to people slick tongues. When words are like butter, when its greasy.

Girls you have to watch out for guys saying things just so they can get things. We are smarter than we look.

Guys you have to listen for those words coming out of the mouths of women that are only there to seduce you, to lure you away from what really matters.

So lets hear it. Whats your story? Have you twisted words? Have you been greasy? Have you been lured in by words ever? Have your friends?